If you told me a year ago that parents would be open to the idea of discussing bulletproof backpack inserts, I would have told you that you were insane. As a matter of fact, I actually went out of my way to not even bring it up or raise awareness to the idea a year ago because I was certain people would think I had lost my mind and had taken the idea of preparing for the world around us a little too far.
Well here we are a year later, and what do you think people are actually open to talking about? Bulletproof backpack inserts.
So, let’s go ahead and talk about them now that everyone seems to be a little more in touch with the evil that is among us.
Do they work? Yes they do.
Most backpacks are large enough to cover the torso where all the vital organs are. If you are a child, they cover even more. They are light weight and take up very little room in a backpack.

If a child, or anyone for that matter, is properly trained in how to use their backpack or briefcase as a shield, they are an effective measure against surviving an attack. It could very well be the deciding factor in saving their life. However, if the parent is hesitant to have this training conversation with the child because they are afraid it might frighten or upset the child, it is pointless investing in one. You are better off playing your odds and betting on luck.
If a child, or anyone for that matter, is properly trained in how to use their backpack or briefcase as a shield, they are an effective measure against surviving an attack. It could very well be the deciding factor in saving their life. However, if the parent is hesitant to have this training conversation with the child because they are afraid it might frighten or upset the child, it is pointless investing in one. You are better off playing your odds and betting on luck.
These inserts are flexible, less than a 1/4 inch thick, and weigh about a pound. You’ll forget it is even there until you need it.
They have become quite common now for sad and obvious reasons and are not that difficult to purchase. Considering what they do, they are actually quite affordable too.
I have provided a link for you here if you’d like to learn more about them. It might be exactly what you are looking for. If you have friends or family you think might be interested in something like this, go ahead and share this blog post. Who knows, it might be just the tool that gives you that little extra peace of mind.
Until next time, be safe.
– Joe Shahoud
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