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Are You Prepared?

Many of you may know about the blackout that took place in Manhattan Saturday, July 13th. This blackout left over 72,000 people in the dark. People were stuck in elevators,

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Proper Gun Storage

The number one thing thugs are after when breaking into vehicles is firearms. Proper gun storage is essential. Are your guns properly secured when you have leave them behind? How

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Cell Phone

Phones Make You A Target

Everywhere I go, I see at least five or more people of all ages begging to be attacked. It is actually quite amazing. They read and see the news stories

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Got Resolutions

Got Resolutions?

Happy New Year!! Have you thought about making some resolutions around your personal safety and defense? Here is some good advice.      If you have already taken one of

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The Toy M16

The sun was barely rising, Santa had come, and I leaped out of bed to get my parents up… One of the things that makes holidays so special is the

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